Michael Elmgreen (* 1961 in Copenhagen, Denmark) and Ingar Dragset (* 1969 in Trondheim, Norway), have been working together as an artist-duo since 1995 and live in Berlin.
Known for: Architectural sculptures, environments and installations
Exhibited works
Spaced Out, 2003. 2nd | C | "Portikus is being demolished! Michael Elmgreen and Ingar Dragset will have the outer walls of the exhibition hall prized open and taken down. All that will remain is the floor, the roof and the skylight, visible from the inside, over a frame of supporting wall pillars. This intervention will mark the end of a 16-year exhibition history and at the same time physically open Portikus, as a prototype of the classical white cube, to public urban space. The closed institutional space will be given up and become part of the surrounding park, the large construction site of the adjacent hospital, and the access road coming from the east. With Spaced Out/Powerless Structures, Fig. 211, the exhibition space will dissolve, it will implode." (Invitation text to the exhibition Nr. 118, Kunsthalle Portikus, Frankfurt am Main 2003) | |
Links Elmgreen-dragset.com | Galería Helga de Alvear | Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin | Galleri Nicolai Wallner | Galleria Massimo De Carlo | Taka Ishii Gallery | Victoria Miro Gallery | Further informations 1 | 2 | 3
Credits All reproduktions are courtesy of the artists © Elmgreen & Dragset, Spaced Out, 2003, Portikus, Frankfurt a.M. / 2014, ProLitteris, Zurich, photos: Wolfgang Günzel |