* 1940 Pittsburgh, USA. Lives and works in New York
American Artist
Best known for: Text-based paintings
Historical Context: Conceptual art, Post-Minimalism
Exhibited works
The painting consists of a black background and words written in capital letters and in different colors: NOTHING, NEGATION, NONEX- ISTENCE, NOT-BEING, NONE, NIL, NAUGTH, NADA, VACANT, VOID, VACUUM, ZERO, CIPHER, EMPTY CLASS, EXTINCT, DE- FUNCT, OBSOLETE, VANISHED, ZIP, ZILCH, NIX, SQUAT, DID- DLYSHIT, GOOS, EGG, BUB- KES, A FART, A FUCK, A RAT'S ASS, WIPED OUT, NULL AND DOWN THE TUBE, ALL DONE, ALL GONE, NO MORE, KAPUT, DEAD, FINISHED, PFFFT, Oil on canvas, 114.3 x 152.4 cm. The painting can be seen HERE (selected works 2002-2012, page 2/25) | ||
Links Melbochner.net | Peter Freeman, Inc | Fraenkel Gallery | Marc Selwyn Fine Art | Simon Lee Gallery | Barbara Krakow Gallery | Karsten Schubert Gallery | Galleria il Gabbiano | Rhona Hoffman Gallery | Two Palms Gallery | Further informations 1 | 2
Please note There is currently nothing on exhibit by Mel Bochner in the NO SHOW MUSEUM. At the artist's request, the space reserved for him remains empty; there is no art to see – nothing. |