* 1935 in Paramaribo, Suriname. Lives and works in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Dutch artist
Known for: Walking pieces
Historical context: Fluxus Movement, Conceptual Art
Stanley Brouwn is a conceptual artist who has worked with unusual consistency and radicalism towards the dematerialization of art. For 60 years, he has been concerned with various measures of length and their relations, which he explores on walks (e.g. A walk through a grass field, 1962; or A walk during one week, 1962). He insists that no photos of his works may be published – and that nothing should be written about him or his art work, not even in his exhibition catalogs. He neither appears at openings, nor does he give interviews, as such information would only detract from his actual works of art.
Exhibited works
This Way Brouwn, 1960–1964. 2nd | B
| Stanley Brouwn asked pedestrians in Amsterdam to explain to him the way to a certain place by drawing a road map. Brown collected the sketches and drawings made by the passersby and published them together in an artist book. What's interesting about this work is that Brouwn does not delegate the production of the artwork to someone in particular, but rather leaves it completely to chance who assumes the role of the artist – it could literally be anybody. | |
Links Konrad Fischer Galerie | Galerie Tschudi | Further informations 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Please note Stanley Brouwn insists that no documentation of his works may be published. Thus, reproductions of his works have to be considered as a falsification of his work. |