* 1952 in Linz, Austria. Lives and works in Berlin
Austrian artist
Best known for: Neo-Geo painting, minimalist sculptures and installations
Art historical context: Contemporary Art, Minimal Art, Pop Art, Neo Geo
Exhibited works
EA. Generali-Foundation, 1991. 1st | A | Existing sliding partitions, color: white. This manipulation of space consisted of shifting two partitions into a room in a relatively arbitrary way. As a result, the other partitions, which normally form the back wall, were shifted so that part of the storage space behind it became visible. The visitor was also able to move the partitions. This created a participatory aesthetics, but not in the sense of a reflection of an empty exhibition space or a visualization of emptiness. The space was anything but empty. The only difference was that there were no art objects, as would normally have been the case. In the same year, the artist completed other similar works (in Metropol Gallery in Vienna, in the Kunstmuseum Luzern ,and in the Kunsthalle Insbruck) that blur the distinction between art and the viewer's perception of it, as nothing more than the exhibition spaces themselves were shown, along with their existing architecture and infrastructure, which were only minimally altered by the artist. | |
Links Galerie Georg Kargl | Further informations 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Credits All reproductions are courtesy of the artist and Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna, © Gerwald Rockenschaub |