* 1962 in Bamberg, Germany. Lives and works in Berlin
German artist
Known for: Analytical and conceptual pieces that deal with the art world and its institutions.
Art historical context: Contemporary conceptual art, Institutional critique
Maria Eichhorn is a prominent exponent of institutional critique, which addresses institutional conventions and structures, and questions the system in which every work of art is embedded. Eichhorn's interventions always refer to the respective venue and expose its material, economic, artistic or political realities in order to subject it to critical examination.
Exhibited works
1st | A | After studying the history and financing of the institution, Maria Eichhorn decided to spend her exhibition budget on renovating the building, leaving the showroom empty in order to bring attention to the defects and deficiencies of the institution. | |
Links Galerie Eva Presenhuber | Galerie Barbara Weiss | Further informations 1 | 2
Credits All reproductions are courtesy of the artist and Galerie Barbara Weiss, Berlin © Maria Eichhorn / 2014, ProLitteris, Zurich |