This work consists of the memories and experiences of two people (Rudy Neeser and Matthew King), who, since early 2012, have acted as witnesses to all the process-based art made by Roxy Kawitzky. Witness is a project that uses raw perspective and memory to relay the more involved or ephemeral aspects of live, participatory or durational works of art, many of which are resistant to conventional modes of documentation. Rudy and Matthew are available to share their particular experiences when called upon to do so. The viewer was free to ask the witnesses any questions they like. «If you’re unsure what to ask us, or how to approach these works, think of how you would attempt to interact with a work when all that you have is a friend’s description of it. Can someone’s description of something interest you, repel you, excite you? What would you need to ask to find out how you would have reacted to the work itself?» (Excerpt from Rudy Neeser’s Witness Statement) «Don’t rush through the work. Feel free to ask either Rudy or myself, or the both of us together, any questions about the work that may occur to you. You can also ask us to talk about our experience of the various works, and we will do so. We are as much a documentation of Roxy’s various projects as any text or photograph.» (Excerpt from Matthew King’s Witness Statement) |