* 1966 in Madrid, Spain. Lives and works in Madrid
Spanish artist
Known for: Drastic performances and provocations through which the structural violence of political and economic systems should be revealed, e.g. ten people were paid to masturbate (Cuba 2000); prostitutes had a line tattooed on their backs in order to get a shot of heroin (Salamanca 2000), a synagogue was transformed into a gas chamber by introducing car exhaust (Stommeln 2006).
Art historical context: Contemporary conceptual art, Performance art, Institutional critique
Exhibited works
86 módulos de soporte publicitario metálico de 300 x 80 cm cada uno. (86 Metallic Billboard Supports Measuring 300 x 80 cm each), 1994. 1st | A | For his exhibition at the Galería Ángel Romero in Madrid, Sierra installed 86 metal advertising supports to cover all the walls of the gallery. Aside from these empty spaces, there was nothing to see. | |
Galería Quemada Con Gasolina (Gallery burned with gasoline), 1997. 2nd | C | On the occasion of the reopening of the gallery Art Deposit in Mexico City, the walls and ceiling in the new area were burned with torches, while more flame resistant parts, such as doors and windows, were burned with blowtorches. | |
Espacio Cerrado Con Metal Corrugado (Space Closed By Corrugated Metal), 2002. 2nd | B | For the opening of the new Lisson Gallery in London, the room was closed for three weeks with corrugated metal. | |
2nd | C | "On the ground floor of the Kestnergesellschaft, 320 m3 of material consisting of 55 m3 of mud and 265 m3 of peat were brought onto the floor and walls. At the beginning of the project it was planned to use sediment from Lake Maschsee because of the sociological implications. This proved to be impossible due to the fact that the health risks which could have occurred from its use in the exhibition spaces of the Kestnergesellschaft could not be assessed. There existed the danger, because of micro bacteriological activity, of an uncontrolled release of organic decomposition products, which can in part be highly dangerous to health. As a substitute, peat and moor-mud from Bad Nenndorf and from a moor cultivation area near the Steinhuder Meer was used. This material is bacteriologically harmless, consisting as it does of sediment whose nutrient poor composition and high degree of acidity prevent processes of decay and the accompanying spread of harmful micro organisms. On the first floor only the muddy footprints of the visitors were found." (Santiago Sierra) | |
Muro Cerrando Un Espacio / Palabra Tapada (Wall, which encloses an area / Covered word), 2003. 2nd | B | Santiago Sierra represented Spain at the Venice Biennale with his solo show in the Spanish Pavilion. He covered the word Spain, which appeared as a relief on the pavilion, with black plastic and black tape. The entrance was walled up to create a small passage, which was guarded. Only Spanish nationals were allowed to enter the empty pavilion. Sierra explained: "Parallel to the wall with the entrance we built a brick wall from floor to ceiling. The distance from the entrance to the first wall inside was only 65 cm. To the left of the entrance there was the toilet and to the right a small storage room. The doors to these two spaces were removed; only the foyer, a 65 cm wide and 25 m long corridor, the bathroom and the storeroom were accessible. The door to the main entrance was left open. Only Spanish citizens were admitted, and only if they could identify themselves with an identity card, a passport or other valid ID." All other visitors had to stay outside – they were made to feel like the refugees who are detained at Europe's borders. As early as 2000, Sierra blocked access to an art exhibition by paying 68 people to sit on the floor (68 People Paid to Block a Museum Entrance, Museum of Contemporary Art, Pusa, Korea, 2000).
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GF | A | Poster campaign in Viterbo, Italy. Sierra organized a similar action with 4,000 black posters in 2008 in London and in 2011 in Berlin. | |
Links Santiago-sierra.com | Galeria Helga de Alvear | Prometeo Gallery | Lisson Gallery | Team Gallery | Greenaway Art Gallery | Galerie KOW | Further informations 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Credits All reproductions are courtesy of the artist © Santiago Sierra / 2014, ProLitteris, Zurich |